Sitemap - 2023 - The Average Polyglot

Breaking Down the Best Language Models of the Year

Two Amazing Ways to Finish the Year As a Language Learner

A Few Strange Ways to Get Better Answers From AI

Lesser-Known Languages (LKL): Yonaguni

Why I Look Back and Set Goals to Ignore for 2024

4 Common Errors New Prompters Make

Why Reusing Systems for a New Language Doesn’t Mean You’ll Succeed

How to Make ChatGPT a Better Learning Assistant

The Inconvenient Truth of Helping Friends Learning Languages

On Learning With Unconventional Content

How Few-Shot Prompting Can Transform Language Learning With ChatGPT

3 Reasons Textbooks Are Highly Underrated Resources

How to Deal With AI Lies When Learning

Should You Move On or Buckle Down?

Lesser-Known Languages (LKL): Yami | Tao Language

How To Recreate a Popular Language Learning Method with ChatGPT

On Discoveries and Frustration

Fun vs Consistency — How to Choose

How to Get ChatGPT to Follow Directives

Not Taking a Break Might Be Killing Your Progress

The Language of AI — An Introduction

A Revamped Newsletter

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #24

On experimenting with AI

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #23

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #22

Lesser-Known Languages (LKL): Bugis

On improving Japanese at an advanced level

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #21

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #20

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #19

Lesser-Known Languages (LKL): Rapa Nui

On studying through doubt

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #18

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #17

On working on long-term tasks

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #16

Lesser-Known Languages (LKL): Alutiiq

On choosing what to ignore

TL;DR Surveys

On self-imposed small challenges

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #15

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #14

On automation and systems

Dazzled by Korean #03

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #13

Lesser-Known Languages (LKL) — Aymara

On learning without a proper routine

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #12

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #11

On walking through the past

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #10

Lesser-Known Languages (LKL) — Romansh

On not knowing the right words when needed

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #09

TL;DR #08 — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat.

Dazzled by Korean #02

On mixing up languages and stopping it

TL;DR #07 — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat.

Dazzled by Korean #01

Lesser-Known Languages (LKL) — Tayo Creole

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #06

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #05

On analog and digital reading practice

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #4

Lesser-Known Languages (LKL) — Tigrinya

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #3

On reusing resources in language learning

Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. (TLDR) off this week

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #2

On 2022 and (mostly) 2023

TL;DR — Talk. Learn. Discover. Repeat. #1