Hello Mathias, glad to know you are doing well with your health.

I agree with the hand gesture point. Indeed in India you can't use left-hand regularly. I am ambidextrous and I clench from my left-hand, always makes a good story. I am using Anki for learning a few Sanskrit Shlok (Verses) and I speak them in the class while teaching. Thankyou for sharing this was fun to read.

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Glad you're feeling well! I enjoyed the Olly Richards video. I don't use Kindle, but I recently discovered that the Google Translate app and the Overdrive app I use for reading library eBooks on my tablet work well together. I enjoy children's books, so I've been signing out Early Chapter Books and Middle Grade Novels in French, then when I hit a word I don't know yet I can highlight it and ask Google Translate without leaving the eReader. Works very well for me.

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Hi Mathias, glad you're feeling well. Have you used any of Olly Richards' books? I agree that reading is a great way to learn a language (although I despair of ever learning to really read Japanese) and I've thought about giving one of his books a go, so I'm curious to know if you've got any personal experience with them?

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